Waiting for the Big One, Don't Tell my Mom I am in California
Le Mono
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Waiting for the Big One

Don't Tell my Mom I am in California

Le Mono

Livre numérique

  • Aide EAN13 : 9782366594225
    • Fichier EPUB, avec DRM Adobe





      6 appareils

      Lecture audio


What the scientists announce about the big one is very terrifying. They say
that a high magnitude earthquake will hit California in the following months
or years. It can happen anytime. It will cause a massive tsunami that would
devastate Los Angeles and San Francisco. Areas that will not be devastated by
the tsunami will be ravaged by fires caused by damaged electrical lines or
appliances. And the survivors will need water because most water mains will be
broken. They will need food because stores, roads, railways will be
How could I tell my mother that I have to stay many years in Los Angeles? No;
I couldn’t. She would die of fear.
Why do people live in California despite the heightened risk of the big one?
Do they really know that researchers predict this natural disaster for soon? I
passed a long moment on the forums and online platforms to see what
Californians say about the big one? The messages are surprising:
\---Maybe in few years you can imagine America without California. DESTROYED
BY THE BIG ONE written on the map.
\---Did you see what happened in Japan? They said the big one will be worst.
Oh my God!
\---Don’t worry. All those cynical predictions are organized by psychopaths
who call themselves ‘experts’ of earthquake phenomena. No worry, the big one
is a dream. Let me sleeping peaceful.
\---No one can be prepared for a disaster. No one knows when the Big One will
hit. Science cannot predict the future. Maybe a big one will hit soon Chicago
or Washington DC, you never know. I live day by day and hope to survive. Good
Earthquakes are common occurrences in California. And while waiting for my
first experience, I read a chapter of Roughing It, a book of Mark Twain in
which he described how he experienced his first earthquake in California.
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